
Kinerja Mesin Stirling

Bagaimana Mesin Stirling Bekerja?
Langkah 1 Karakteristik udara
Mari kita muat karet ke kaleng seperti Gambar 1. Anda dapat dengan mudah memahami bahwa karet mengembang saat kaleng dipanaskan (Gambar 2), dan kontrak karet saat kalengnya didinginkan (Gambar 3). Hal ini disebabkan bahwa tekanan udara di dapat bekerja pada karet saat udara dipanaskan, ditunjukkan dalam memungkinkan Gambar 2. Tentu saja, Anda tidak dapat melihat tekanan dari mata Anda.

Langkah 2 Apa itu piston perpindahan?
Selanjutnya, mari dimasukkan ke dalam piston ke dalam kaleng seperti Gambar 4. Diameter piston harus agak lebih kecil dari kaleng, karena piston bekerja untuk memindahkan (menggeser) udara ke atas dan ke bawah di kaleng. Dan, panaskan sisi bawah kaleng dan dinginkan bagian atas kaleng. Setelah memiliki perbedaan suhu yang cukup, gerakkan piston ke atas dan ke bawah dengan tangan Anda. Saat piston bergerak naik, karet mengembang karena ada banyak udara panas di kaleng (Gambar 5). Ini sesuai dengan Gambar 2. Ketika piston dipindahkan ke bawah, kontrak karet karena ada banyak udara dingin di kaleng. Ini sesuai dengan Gambar 3.
Dalam kasus mesin Stirling, piston ini, yang bergerak (menggantikan) udara dan membuat perubahan tekanan disebut piston perpindahan.

Langkah 3 Mekanisme engkol ~ dari gerak piston ke rotasi ~
Do you understand about the characteristics of the air and the work of the displacer piston? They are very important to understand how does the Stirling engine work.
First, connect from the piston and a bent wire with a thread like Figure 6. When the bent wire is rotated, the piston is moved up and down. This is called a crank mechanism.
Please heat the bottom side of the can and cool the upper side of the can, similar to above description. When your hand rotates the bent wire, the piston is moved up and down, and the rubber expands and contracts repeatedly (Figure 7).

Step 4 Power piston ~ function of the rubber ~
The Stirling engine converts from the motion of the rubber to the rotation of the bent wire. Please connect from the rubber to the bent wire with a rod. In this time, a force of the rubber (expansion and contraction) has to be the direction, which rotates the bent wire. In short, you must bend the bent wire the just right angle (90 degrees) from the piston like Figure 8 and 9.

Step 5 Flywheel ~ for the smooth rotation ~
This engine has not worked yet. If you try to work this engine (Figure 8 and 9), the rubber keeps the most expansion or contraction. In order to rotate smoothly and repeatedly, you must fit a rotated mass with the bent wire. It is called a flywheel.
Generally, the flywheel is circular like Figure 10. But at this point, please bend the end of the bent wire, and fit a mass at the edge of the wire like Figure 11. The mass works as the flywheel and to be balanced to the weight of the piston. So, you must fit the mass against the piston.
This page of diagrams courtesy of Koichi Hirata.


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